Cutout corners

One cutout corner

I'm a block, it's amazing !!

  1. First create your div.
  2. To do this effect simply add a background: linear-gradient with a transparentcolor as first parameter and the color of your background element as a second parameter.
  3. Now in your linear-gradientadd deg and play with to move your background.

Using positions

I'm a block, it's amazing !!

  1. Add four background linear-gradient for our four sides.
  2. Use ,after your linear-gradient to add many background.
  3. At the end of your linear-gradientsimply add the position where you want see your backgroundand plays with deg.
  4. Addbackground-sizeand play with % because having 4 backgroundcand hide the box of our elements.
  5. Using background: no-repeatallow us to have only four backgroundinstead of many.

Circle corners

I'm a block, it's amazing !!

  1. Add four radial-gradient.
  2. Indicate the position by using circle at first parameter.
  3. Addbackground-sizeand play with % because having 4 backgroundcand hide the box of our elements.
  4. Using background: no-repeatallow us to have only four backgroundinstead of many.

Using clip-path property

I'm a block, it's amazing !!

  1. Using clip-pathand create as many as we need points.
  2. The first parameter of a point is the gap on the X axis and the second on the Y axis.