Chapter 3 Tables


In the previous chapter we discussed layout. But what we meant by that is the construction of your content from a design perspective—how you structure your app geometrically to make sense for your use case. Think the Two Pane App potion.

But layout has a specific meaning in various contexts. In the context of tables, it means how the browser decides to size columns and rows of a table element based on the CSS applied by the user agent and you, and the content within each table cell.

This process is truly magical.

A complex layout algorithm is used for both the horizontal and vertical. And these algorithms fork early based on the table-layout you specify, of which there are two options:

The default. I attempt to size columns relatively to each other by the widest cell in each column, unless you give me specific widths, at which point I use the widths you specify to make relative comparisons. (CSS spec)
I attempt to size columns evenly, unless you give me specific widths in px, at which point I attempt to honor your sizing exactly, unless I can’t because your math doesn’t work out. (CSS spec)

These are very rough definitions, and definitely not complete. I highly recommend you read through the spec at some point to get a better understanding. But nothing is better than playing with live code, so let’s look at some examples to get a clearer picture.

Example 1: No widths

table-layout: auto

This is the title of some object Action
This is the title of another object Action

table-layout: fixed

This is the title of some object Action
This is the title of another object Action

Notice how in the fixed case, the columns are sized evenly since no widths are specified, but in the auto cased they’re sized proportionally by the width of the cell contents.

Example 2: Percentage widths

Now let’s look at the same example with column widths set to 20% and 50%, respectively.

table-layout: auto

This is the title of some object Action
This is the title of another object Action

table-layout: fixed

This is the title of some object Action
This is the title of another object Action

In both cases, our widths are being taken into account, but only relatively. This is always true with auto but it’s additionally true here with fixed because the widths are specified in percentages. The browser says, “20% is 2/7ths out of the total 20+50%”, so when the table is 1000px wide, the first column ends up at 284px and the second column at 714px, roughly a ratio of 2:5. (It won’t be perfectly 2:5 due to cell-spacing, cell-padding, border, border-spacing, border-collapse, etc., rounding, and other constraints.)

Notice that with white-space: nowrap applied to each cell, the auto case compensates but the fixed case lets the text overflow.

Challenge question to think about: why is first column slightly wider in the fixed case?

Example 3: Mixed unit widths

Now let’s look at the same example with column widths set to 400px and 70%, respectively.

table-layout: auto

This is the title of some object Action
This is the title of another object Action

table-layout: fixed

This is the title of some object Action
This is the title of another object Action

Ok.... Since the width of each table is px, there’s no way for the browser to fit the columns 400px and 70% × px into a px–wide table. So it does the best it can.

In the auto case, our widths are being taken into account, but only relatively. It compares 400px / px to 70% × px and does the best it can. (The behavior here varies from browser to browser.)

In the fixed case, the 400px is honored, since fixed values are prioritized over percentage based values, and so the second column gets the remainder.

Tabular data

This is a CSS course, so I won’t spend much time here. But the main reason to use tables in an application is to display tabular data. Tabular data means anything you might display in a spreadsheet. A content matrix.

When it comes to styling tables with tabular data, there are some good general rules to follow:

Check out the table styling potion for an example table design which follows these rules.

Tables as a layout tool

In the previous chapter on layout, we showed that tables can be used to center vertically content of arbitrary height. Until flex is widely supported, you should feel comfortable using tables for this. But other than that, if you catch yourself using a table to implement layout constructs that don’t have to do with tabular data, you’re probably doing it wrong.

If your browser support is IE10+, then use flex[1]. Phillip Walton has a great tutorial[2] on vertical centering with flexbox.

Table gotchas

There are sooo[3] many[4] reasons[5] why you shouldn’t use tables for anything other than tabular data or vertical centering (as discussed). But to drive that point home, here are some extremely common gotchas that make tables frustrating to work with.

Gotcha 1: Table cells do not respect overflows (table-layout: auto, Firefox, IE)

This means that even if you use table-layout: fixed and specify a pixel width, overflow: hidden isn’t going to actually work on a table cell in every browser. (If you use table-layout: auto, overflows won’t be respected in any browser.)

table-layout: auto

I’m being told to be 100px wide and 20px tall, but I ain’t listening. I’m just some text

Gotcha 2: Table cells don’t respect relative positioning (Firefox)

Yup. You heard me correctly. You go apply position: relative to a table cell, place a position: absolute element inside, and in Firefox, the absolute element will be positioned relative to the earliest positioned parent of the table instead. Bummer.

The bug was reported in 2000.[6]

I am position: absolute with right: 40px
I’m just some text

Gotchas tl;dr

If, after evaluating the options, you believe that using a table element is the right way to go, just make sure you wrap the contents of every table cell with a div. This way you have all of the styling control you need for each cell while still being able to utilize the extremely powerful—albeit confusing—table layout engine.

Further reading


  1. Can I use: flex
  2. Solved by Flexbox: Vertical Centering
  3. Seybold Seminars: Why tables for layout is stupid
  4. Smashing Magazine: Table Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to… Hell?
  5. Vaneso Design: Are CSS Tables Better Than HTML Tables?
  6. Mozilla Bugzilla: relative positioning of table cells doesn’t work