Ignore Properties

Accessor functions for properties are not required.

Getter And Setter

Do not use JavaScript getters/setters as they cause unexpected side effects and are harder to test and maintain. Instead, if accessor functions are used, implement custom methods with get and set prefixes.


Incorrect code for this rule:

class Winter {
  get snowflakes() {
    // ...

  set snowflakes(snowflakes) {
    // ...

Correct code for this rule:

class Winter {
  getSnowflakes() {
    // ...

  setSnowflakes(snowflakes) {
    // ...

Make sure to be consistent:

class Winter {
  constructor(elements = {}) {
    const snowflakes = elements.snowflakes || 0;
    this.set("snowflakes", snowflakes);

  set(key, val) {
    this[key] = val;

  get(key) {
    return this[key];

Boolean Prefix

If the property/method is a boolean, use a is or has prefix.


Incorrect code for this rule:

if (!winter.snowflakes()) {
  return false;

Correct code for this rule:

if (!winter.hasSnowflakes()) {
  return false;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""