Display Name

Use a composite of the higher-order component's (HOC) name and the passed-in component's name as the displayName on the generated component. A component's displayName may be used by developer tools or in error messages, and having a value that clearly expresses this relationship helps to better understand and debug the code.


A higher-order component withSnow(), when passed a component Winter should produce a component with a displayName of withSnow(Winter).

Incorrect code for this rule:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

export const withSnow = ComposedComponent =>
  class WithSnow extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

    static propTypes = {
      children: PropTypes.any

    static defaultProps = {};

    render() {
      const { children, ...passThroughProps } = this.props;
      return <ComposedComponent {...passThroughProps}>{children}</ComposedComponent>;

Correct code for this rule:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

export const withSnow = ComposedComponent =>
  class WithSnow extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

    static displayName = `WithSnow(${ComposedComponent.displayName || ComposedComponent.name || Component.name})`;

    static propTypes = {
      children: PropTypes.any

    static defaultProps = {};

    render() {
      const { children, ...passThroughProps } = this.props;
      return <ComposedComponent {...passThroughProps}>{children}</ComposedComponent>;

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